Wilmslow-based law firm, JBGass, is welcoming the reopening of the property market with estate agents being told they could once again open their doors and the construction sector getting back on site.
The latest stage of the £2.6million conversion of the Lancashire Telegraph’s former office into town centre flats has been been given the go-ahead by council planners.
Property development company, Empire, remains confident about the Yorkshire market, despite the delays in construction due to the pandemic.
The former HMRC building in Winckley Square is set to become a complex of 70 apartments.
A property developer has joined forces with a UK-based manufacturer to use its insulated concrete form (ICF) materials to help future-proof its supply of building materials.
Charles House, which was built to accommodate the Inland Revenue in Winckley Square more than half a century ago, is being earmarked for conversion to 70 flats in a plan submitted to the city council.
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